Wednesday, June 3, 2009

5 Positive Things!

K, I almost didn't get this done today because I have world's worst tummy ache...EVER!!! You see, I went to Dairy Queen with 'Troll' and ordered from the following menu:

I got 4 things!!! - 1 Cheeseburger, 1 Order of Onion Rings, 1 Medium Drink, and 1 Hot Fudge Sundae!!! It really seemed to hit the spot, at the time, but, afterwards...WOOOOWEEEEEE!!!!! Darn stomach!!!

Anyway, here are my positive 5 for the day:

1. I went on a GLORIOUS walk with Troll on the Boardwalk, down at the Sydney Harbor! We enjoyed a most wonderful conversation, watched some sailboats racing in the wind, and saw a pretty peculiarly large Loon...oh, and I didn't die!!!

2. I didn't have to make myself dinner...always a plus!

3. I enjoyed some serious dancing on the Telly tonight - 'So You Think You Can Dance' RULES!!!

4. I am, right now, listening to the sweet sound of John Mayer's melodious voice, serenading me! It's been too long!

5. I realized, with the help of another, that I am truly blessed to live in a Country where I am free to practice life as I choose...that includes religion, speech, what food I eat, etc...I think you get the point!

K, have a great Thursday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the boardwalk too, and of course DQ but it didn't destroy me as much as it did you.

    O' CANADA our home and native land...gosh I love this country!!!

