Friday, June 12, 2009

What Made My Friday Great, you ask???

I had another low-key day today...I think it took me most of the day to try and recuperate from being out for a good part of the night last night. Then, once I got home, I couldn't sleep!!! Do you think it could have anything to do with all that really 'healthy' food I blogged about in my last post?! Hmmm...I still wonder.

You know, some days I find it harder to come up with 5 Positive, today, for example. I didn't do much today, so what the heck made my day so great? Well, luckily, I'm good at being creative and I was able to come up with my list. Here goes nothin'!!!

1. I had my 'Special Chicken" and White Rice (with HP Sauce!!!) for dinner tonight and, man, was it ever good! I even took a picture of it, just to put on here...haha! I love blogging!

2. Bella is one of the cutest, little kittens I know! She has this new thing that she does...funny, Juno used to do it, too! She loves to sit on top of my computer monitor and chase the cursor with her paws. It's so cute!!! And, now, she is comfortably sleeping on the monitor...too cute!

3. I LOVE watching 'Wheel of Fortune'!!! I, actually, can't believe that it's taken me this long to blog about how much I love it! It comes on every weekday at 5:30pm on CBC!!! Yes, I'm a nerd...I know the time and keeps me smart, at least, I'd like to think so! Haha!

4. I know I often comment on the music I'm listening to, but I really can't help it! I love music!!! I'd be lost without it! I love to listen to it, sing it, and, occasionally, play it! Right now, I'm listening to the calming music from one of my other fave TV Shows...'Grey's Anatomy'.

5. This may sound a bit odd and, seemingly, out of place, but...I LOVE my white, wicker daybed!!! It's only a twin size, but I love the feeling of snuggling in!!!

That's it for today!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!!


  1. Ha! Toby does the same thing with the mouse cursor, except he stands on the desk and then sleeps on the printer. I'm pretty sure he thinks it's an insect. Funny how they keep their skills honed.

  2. I just wanted to say you are a wonderful writer, entertaing and highly positive, wow! If I were a polotician, I would ask you to write my speeches!
