Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Saturday Evening of Positives!!!

I know I just, barely, posted my '15 Positive Things', but to keep it all going, I've got to do another 5 for today...being Saturday, of course!!!

1. I went to my FAVORITE store today!!!I LOVE this store!!!

2. I found 'FLUSHABLE' Litter!!! I didn't even know it existed!!!

3. I bought the BEST Maple Leaf Creme Cookies at Dollarama!!! A whole package of these for just $1!!!!!!

4. I bought this book at Wally-World!!!

And I can't wait to start reading it!!!

5. Here's my music 'Shout-Out'!!! I'm listening to the lovely voices of these 2 women...

The Indigo Girls!!! I forgot, 'til just recently, how much I LOVE them!!!

K, that's it for now! Hope you all have a great Sunday!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually washing those great Canadian beach towels I got today at wal-mart right now :)

