Friday, June 5, 2009

5 Positive things!

Today was a GREAT day!!! There isn't really anything that happened that was totally out of the ordinary or, necessarily, seemingly exciting...but it was just a good day! Here are some of the reasons why:

1. I went for a drive with Holly and Timmy!!! We didn't really go anywhere special, but it was fun to be with them! Yay for going on a drive!!!

2. Holly was kind enough to stop at Sobey's for me...meaning that I didn't have to carry or pull (in my backpack on wheels!) any groceries home! WOOHOO!!! This made it possible for me to get not 1, but 2 liters of milk, a bag of kitty food, 12 AWESOME cans of Coke!, Dill Pickle Chips, and a small amount of one of my fave ice creams! - Double Chocolate something or other!!! Who could ask for anything more?!

3. I had this for dinner:Yup! That's right...Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper! It may not be the healthiest thing for me, however, I haven't had it in what seems like forever, so it was a nice treat! AND, it's super easy to make!

4. This next one may seem like it's not so exciting, but I think it is! And, it is my blog, and my positive account of my own, here it is - I ran into Diane MacKinnon when checking out at the grocery store! This NEVER happens! And she even offered me a ride home, but Holly was waiting for me. So, I was thinking, 'Dear Di, Could you please arrange to be at Sobey's the next time I go and need a ride home?! This would be most appreciated! Thank you for your time!' Usually, I don't even have 1 ride, but, on this particular day, I was offered 2!!! Man, I feel the love!

5. I finally folded and put away some towels that have been sitting on my couch, put some plastic storage boxes back to where they used to be (behind my couch and out of the way!), and am now enjoying a more clutter-free apt! Go Me!!!

And so my Friday comes to a close! See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shawna-

    I really like these "5 things you're grateful for" posts. They make me feel good. Hope you keep doing them. Have a great one- and I'll read about it tonight!
